Lawyer Lars Olofsson
I specialize in investigating international investment scams – and helping the victims of these. My full focus is on helping my clients get their lost investments back, and I work on commission, which means that my clients only pay when I succeed.
Lawyer Lars Olofsson
Lawyer Lars Olofsson
To help me, I have a team of investigators and a network of lawyers around the world who assist me according to my specific needs and the countries in which my clients are located. Today, I represent several thousand victims from about 100 countries. Through my background in law, finance, intelligence, and employees who have knowledge in behavioural science and media, as well as our close contacts with authorities, I am uniquely placed to help my clients.
Juicyfields Case
The Juicy Fields concept was launched in April 2020, and the business was shut down, by the scammers themselves, in July 2022. By then, about 125,000 investors from virtually all over the world had lost more than 3 billion Euros. The business model was to invest in cannabis cultivation where the investor bought a cannabis plant, which then Juicy Fields would grow through contracted growers and then the plants would be harvested, and the harvest would be sold to companies in the pharmaceutical industry. There was no cultivation, no agreements with buyers and in addition, the business had no licenses to trade in cannabis or investment management.
Omega Pro Case
The concept was to take care of investors’ money, invest it to get a return, and the investors bought various ”packages” that also included some training and other services that belonged to the investments. Omega Pro also had a very clear pyramid where the investor could recruit other investors and get a commission on what the people, he/she recruited invested in turn. The business was shut down in September 2022, and it is estimated that up to 3 million investors lost their money. According to the first indications we have of how much investors have lost; it is many billions of Euros.
This scam is very similar to Omega Pro, and has the same basic organization. The concept is presented as an MLM where you recruit friends and relatives to invest in small and medium-sized companies where the return on investments is promised to be both high and secure. There have been links between the people at the top of Validus and OneCoin who crashed a while ago. When we look at how this concept is presented and what promises are made, there is no doubt in our mind that this is a scam. The concept contains all the attributes that an investment scam usually contains.
ISA Investment
ISA stands for Individual Savings Accounts and is a type of concept where investors can invest in various projects from forex trading to bonds. After the business had been up and running for some time, it was discovered that it did not have a license to both give investment advice or receive money and invest it. The concept was presented as an AI- based platform and the emphasis was on investments in Asia. When we look at the way this concept is presented and how it is organised, it shows all the signs of organised fraud, where there was a criminal intent from the outset. Behind it has never been the technology that was promised, and as usual in these cases, the criminals have just taken all the money and transferred it in a very complex way to prevent traceability.

My Clients
My clients come from very different backgrounds. What they have in common is that these are ”ordinary people” with a good education, good experience of life and are normally careful about how to handle money. This just goes to show me how incredibly sophisticated the scammers are, and that basically anyone can become a victim. In order to succeed in my assignment, it is important for me to be able to interact with my clients. All lawyers know that representing a large number of clients in the same legal case is one of the most difficult things a lawyer can get into. Clients have different needs and different conditions, and finding a solution, and a one-size-fits-all approach is extremely difficult. This requires extensive experience and also an organization, with arrangements, to be able to both administer many clients at a time and be able to communicate with them.
Virtually all the scams my colleagues and I work with arouse great interest in the media. I try to be as accessible as possible to be able to answer questions, be interviewed and participate in various media events. In several cases, media companies have made documentaries about either the scams I work with, or my work as such. I would like to use the media to educate people so that they do not become victims of scams, and also to inform the authorities about how widespread these scams have become, and what they can do to prevent, or limit, the scope.